Cooper is a serious chicken who simply cannot go with the flow, where they need a lot of convincing before jumping into any activity. Yet, once they open up to an idea, Cooper is nothing more than a cage-free party animal! In need of a friend to calm their worries, Cooper cannot wait for a bestie to prove everything in life isn't as scary as one thinks.
Cooper Chicken is a fluffy white plush, with a bright yellow beak and feet, and a distinctive red comb atop his head. His inquisitive black eyes are always looking keenly, reflecting his skeptical nature as he searches for the truth in everything around him.
I love to challenge my mind and won't settle for anything less than a well-researched answer. I won't believe anything unless I see the facts with my own two eyes!
Tucker Mandarin™: Cooper tends to be very skeptical about things but Tucker's rowdy behavior sometimes convinces him to let loose